Continuity: The Biggest Pitfall for Writers

Readers hate being interrupted when entrenched in a book. They hate it when the dog is whining for a walk. Or when the neighbor starts drilling holes in the wall. Or . . . . . . when a writer carelessly causes a hiccup in the story. Yes, writers often interrupt the reading experience by […]

The Single Most Important Tip for Writing with Power and Authority: Knowing What to Say

the most important writing tip

Believe it or not, the single most important tip for writing with power and authority is also the most overlooked one. We’re being bludgeoned with social posts about avoiding the passive voice, long sentences, and jargon—which is, most of the time, great advice. But I can’t remember anyone pressing the importance of knowing what you want […]

The Power of Taking It Slow: The FIRE Framework for Writing with Authority

The FIRE framework for Writing with Authority

If you are like most social media users, you scroll through your feed for over two hours a day. And as thousands of lifeless lumps of prose pass your retinae, you wonder: Can I stand out among all that noise? The problem is that many content creators stamp out articles within minutes and then mindlessly […]

Verkoop meer boeken met je brandstory: als schrijver ben je een bedrijf

Een schrijver is een bedrijf en heeft een brandstory nodig

Stel dat je dit leest op Facebook: ‘Hoi vrienden, ik heb een boek geschreven! Klik hier om het te bestellen.’ Je komt niets over het boek te weten – behalve dat de wereld nog een gebonden stapel papier rijker is. Zou jij op de link klikken? Als je naar de dichtstbijzijnde bibliotheek gaat, dan kom je […]

Atomic Habits for Writers: Successfully Implementing Writing Tips

Atomic Habits for Writers

Full of hope, you download another writing checklist. You print it out, put it beside your keyboard, and decide to never hit “Publish” again without implementing the whole sheet of writing tips. This time, you will learn to write like a pro. But after a while, your good intentions are supplanted by other priorities. Cookie […]

Spannende non-fictie: bouw je boek op met architecturale spanning

spannende non-fictie

Denk aan een boek dat je niet kon wegleggen. Je móést het gewoon verder lezen. Waardoor werd je zo geboeid? Misschien waren de personages interessant of sprak de setting je aan. Toch was het hoogstwaarschijnlijk de zorgvuldig geconstrueerde architectuur van opbouwende spanning die je aan het boek gekluisterd hield. In dit blog leer je hoe […]

Authors Are Companies: Sell Your Books Using a Brand Story

Sell your books

Imagine reading this on Facebook: “Hi, Friends! I wrote a book! Click here to order.” There’s no info—except that the world gained another spined reem of papers. Would you click? Go to any library, and you’ll discover we don’t need more books. You’ll be overwhelmed by the towers of nameless tomes. Our reading lists are […]

What to Expect from a Nonfiction Editor: A Guide to the Editing World

Many writers think editors correct spelling and grammar. The fact is: we do a lot more. In this blog post, I’ll break down the main flavors of editing and where they belong in your publishing process. Who Needs an Editor? Every writer needs an editor. And every writing project can benefit from editing. But if […]

Suspense in Nonfiction: Building Your Book with Architectural Suspense

Suspense in nonfiction

Think of a book you couldn’t put down. What was it about this book that locked you in? It could be that the characters were attractive or the setting spoke to you. But more likely, it was the carefully crafted architecture of suspense that kept you reading. In this blog, you’ll learn how to create […]

How Your Words Can Awaken Zombies: Focus, Lest Your Nonfiction Turn into Horror

A while ago, I read a brilliant nonfiction book called Neurotribes by Steve Silberman. And it was epic! Every page fascinated, engrossed, and challenged me. But halfway in, something yanked me out of the narrative: “Sister Viktorine, who worked alongside Lazar before his death, used to say that it was crucial to observe the children’s behavior […]